Activity: I added D.O.T.s to the bubbles and FINISHED THE TREE!

Commentary: OHH MY GOODNESS! The tree.. is.. DONE! Bam. Yah, that’s probably the biggest accomplishment of my life right there, sadly enough. I didn’t give up so HA! All of the capital letters are really necessary, believe me. Ok so the tree itself isn’t done because I still have tree roots and a few twigs in the leaves part to add but that doesn’t matter as much considering all of the leaves are DONE! I’m having a hard time comprehending it. Besides that though I added the few good D.O.T.s that were written on the poster. I still need more though so I’m just going to collect from my friends.

Pictures of my fabulously colorful mural as of today~

Total # of hours for this post: 2 hours and 20 minutes

Total cumulative hours: 90 hours and 56 minutes

About mandyhola

ummmmmmm... im a monkey fairy

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